Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Find a penny, pick it up....

So Katie always stops to pick up pennies, which is an exercise that I've always deemed pointless. If it's a silver coin, particularly dime or better, it's certainly worth the effort to bend over... but not for a penny. So I made her a deal, I'd give her $3 if she'd stop picking up pennies for a year. She took it as a challenge, and has chronicled her efforts to prove me wrong! Check out her blog... it's pretty cool:

Find A Penny...

Reposted from irjake

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Originally uploaded by irjake.
most people who know me have seen this one before... but it's fun, so here it is again.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Originally uploaded by irjake.
yup, i was bored

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Originally uploaded by irjake.
Kina doesn't want to be left behind so she packed herself.

Friday, August 05, 2005


I tried to make a page with for the search engines to pick-up on, but it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe a link from here will help spark it.

and for the heck of it, here's another:

Monday, July 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by irjake.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Forest Fire Wallpaper

Forest Fire Wallpaper
Originally uploaded by irjake.
test #3 ... trying larger pic size.


originally uploaded by irjake.
yet another test of flickr


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

New blog

I have a new blog which is better than this one in a lot of ways: I have more control over the style, it is easier to update, and it is hosted on my own webspace (rather than the painfully slow blogger site). Needless to say, I'm going to be ditching this one. Find my new blog at:

Friday, March 11, 2005

Fun fact of the day!

The calendar on Microsoft Outlook 2002 covers these dates:

April 2nd, 1601 to August 31st, 4500

I know some very old people use Outlook, and some very young people who might live quite a while. However, even considering our advances in medical technology, these dates seem a little optimistic to me.

Therefore, I can only arrive at one conclusion: Microsoft has secretly invented time travel.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Funny moment of the day

After starting to read Fast Food Nation on the bus this morning, I
realized that I did not have a bookmark. So I pulled a receipt out of
my wallet and used it. When I got to my stopping point, and looked at
what receipt I had used, it turned out to be from Taco Bell!

Expect more posts on my reaction to this book.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Real pictures, fake story

These pictures are being sent around the internet with the follow subject and intro:
Found At Seaside After TSUNAMI . . .
If you notice, a lot of these critters come from way deep down
Hard to imagine the (non-volcanic) forces that pushed 'em to the surface

Here's what one of my favorite myth debunking sites says about them:
Origins: It seems like any unusual or remarkable photographs connected with oceanic phenomena are being attributed to the Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, and this collection of pictures is more of the same.

Although they are genuine images of some rather strange deep-sea creatures, these photographs have nothing to do with the Indian Ocean tsunami. They date from mid-2003 and were taken as part of the NORFANZ voyage, a joint Australian-New Zealand research expedition conducted in May-June 2003 to explore deep sea habitats and biodiversity in the Tasman Sea. These photographs can be viewed on Australia's National Oceans Office web site.

Even though the source isn't correct, they are still pretty damn cool pictures!

EDIT: Pictures removed for sake of loading time. You can still find them all HERE

Haven't posted in a while....

Basically it's becuase loads pages so slowly during peak hours. Whenever I go to update this blog, it takes 30 seconds + per click. I know that I used to be able to deal with that kind of wait, but I've had broad band for too long to put up with that kind of delay. I'll give it a few more tries, but if it continues to waste my time I'll probably delete this blog.